St. Johns County, Florida deputy Blake Gruny fired over Snapchat videos

Blake Gruny, 34, of Saint Augustine, St. Johns County, Florida, United States was a member of the K-9 patrol team of the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office. He became a deputy in 2015.

While employed as a St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office deputy, Gruny allegedly uploaded several videos of children engaging in sexual acts on Snapchat. One of the videos showed a girl saying she was 12 years old, getting naked, masturbating and performing oral sex on an adult male.


On October 4, 2023, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children sent a tip about the videos to the Crimes Against Children Unit of the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators discovered that the videos were on a Snapchat account associated with Gruny’s personal information.

The videos were allegedly sent from Gruny’s Snapchat account to another user. The sender allegedly wrote, “You going to keep showing me how hard you are.”

Evidence is still being examined and the investigation is still active. On October 13, 2023, Gruny was arrested.

After the arrest, the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office terminated Gruny. He was charged with unlawful use of a two-way communication device, six counts of possession of child sex abuse material and six counts of transmission of child sex abuse material.

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