Mohamed Fathy Sulayman biography: 13 things about ex-University of Florida student

Mohamed Fathy Sulayman, an American citizen, has a complex history involving travel to several countries and interaction with law enforcement. He engaged in activities related to extremist ideology and faces legal consequences for attempting to support the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. His actions and movements have led to legal scrutiny and indictment.

Djibouti’s 10 most handsome men alive 2021

The Republic of Djibouti is a country in Eastern Africa. Formerly called French Somaliland, the country is bordered by Eritrea in the north, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in the east, Ethiopia in the southwest and Somaliland in the south. Formally established in 1896, French Somaliland was renamed the French Territory of the … Continue reading Djibouti’s 10 most handsome men alive 2021