North Korea’s 13 most beautiful women alive 2019


North Korea is a country in East Asia. Officially called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the country borders China and Russia to the north and South Korea to the south.

After the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II in 1945, the Korean Peninsula was divided into two zones namely North Korea and South Korea. Since July 27, 1953, a border barrier called the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) has been in use as a buffer zone between the two countries.

On September 17, 1991, North Korea was admitted to the United Nations. Since April 11, 2012, Kim Jong-un, 37, has been the general secretary of the country’s founding and sole ruling party Workers’ Part of Korea (WPK).

Pyongyang is the capital and largest city of North Korea. Here is the 2019 list of the 13 most beautiful living women of North Korean descent or citizens of the East Asian country:


#13. Noel Kim


#12. Ryu Hee-jin


#11. Kim Ok-ju


#10. Song Yong

#9. Pak Mi-kyong

#8. Kim Sol-mi

#7. Jo Guk-hyang

#6. Ryu Jina


#5. Hyeonseo Lee


#4. Kang Nara


#3. Yeonmi Park


#2. Hyon Song-wol


#1. Sonu Hyang-hui

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