Beaumont Lamarre-Condon biography: 10 things about cop raised in Kirrawee, New South Wales, Australia


Beaumont Lamarre-Condon is an Australian cop raised in Kirrawee, New South Wales, Australia. He is a former celebrity blogger running a celebrity gossip site called the

Lamarre-Condon has one sister named Jamila Lamarre-Condon, who is 3 years younger than him. They parents separated when he was in primary school.

Beaumont’s mother Colleen Lamarre is a former police officer. His father Raymond Condon is a security guard in the Northern Rivers, New South Wales.

Beaumont was 2 years older than Jesse Baird and 1 year younger than Luke Davies. Beaumont was reportedly romantically interested in Baird and was jealous when Baird started dating Davies in February 2024.

Also known as Beau Lamarre, Beaumont is currently based in Zetland, New South Wales. Here are 10 more things about him:

  1. In May 2009, he first saw Lady Gaga perform when she opened for the Pussycat Dolls at the “Doll Domination Tour” at the Sydney SuperDome in Sydney, New South Wales.
  2. In June 2012, she watched Gaga at the Sydney SuperDome, which hosted her “Born This Way Ball” concert. When he told her he was scared of coming out gay to his parents, she told him if his parents love him, they will accept him for who he is.
  3. On August 30, 2014, he threw a note on stage at Gaga’s in Sydney, which she read out. He thanked her for giving him the courage to come out. She invited her on stage.
  4. He was invited to the red carpets of the 2016 Golden Globe Awards where he interviewed Russell Crowe.
  5. In 2019, he joined the New South Wales Police Force. His sister Jamila worked there as a radio dispatcher but was fired for refusing to get the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination while she was pregnant.
  6. On February 15, 2024, he signed a pistol out of a police gun safe, which he returned on February 20, 2024.
  7. Between 12:00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on February 19, 2024, he allegedly fatally shot Baird and Davies at Baird’s apartment in Paddington, New South Wales and hired a van to get rid of the bodies. Police officers found at the scene a projectile, which ballistic tests linked to his service weapon as a senior constable.
  8. On February 23, 2024, he turned himself in at a police station in Bondi, New South Wales. He was arrested, booked into the Silverwater Correctional Complex in Silverwater, New South Wales and charged with two counts of murder.
  9. On February 27, 2024, he told police where to find Baird and Davies’s bodies, which were found on a property in Bungonia, New South Wales.
  10. He was 28 years old when New South Wales police commissioner Karen Webb confirmed on February 28, 2024 that he had been served with a show cause notice, the first step in his dismissal from the New South Wales Police Force. On April 23, 2024, he will appear in Sydney Downing Centre Local Court. 

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