Gloria Rubalcava biography: 103 things about Santa Maria, California woman

Gloria Viridiana Barriga Rubalcava is a Mexican-American woman from Santa Maria, California, United States. She and Ugo Rubalcava have two sons together. Gloria is 1 year younger than Ugo. Here are 13 more things about her: She is originally from Quiroga, Michoacán, Mexico. In March 2012, she visited Jerome, Arizona, USA and Santa Rosa, New … Continue reading Gloria Rubalcava biography: 103 things about Santa Maria, California woman

Ugo Rubalcava biography: 10 things about Santa Maria, California man

Ugo P. Rubalcava is an American man from Santa Maria, California, United States. Here are 10 more things about him: Aside from Santa Maria, he has lived in other parts of California including Nipomo. He went to Nipomo High School in Nipomo. He and Gloria Rubalcava have two sons together. He is 1 year older … Continue reading Ugo Rubalcava biography: 10 things about Santa Maria, California man

Amber Turk biography: 13 things about Santa Maria, California woman

Amber Rose Turk is an American woman from Santa Maria, California, United States. She was an Avon representative before she worked at Popeyes on Betteravia Road in Santa Maria. "I'm a Rockstar," Amber wrote in her Facebook bio. "I'm a realist. There's a method to my madness. The party never ends." Amber and Sarene Turk … Continue reading Amber Turk biography: 13 things about Santa Maria, California woman