Janel Grant biography: 13 things ex-WWE employee from Connecticut


Janel Grant is an American woman from Connecticut, United States. On March 23, 2019, she met Vincent Kennedy McMahon, who co-founded World Wrestling Entertainment, which is based in Stamford, Connecticut.

At the time, Grant was unemployed and struggling financially. On March 31, 2019, before she and McMahon had a meeting with a WWE corporate officer, he told her to say they met through a mutual friend when asked about it.

“Seriously Janel wherever U land in WWE U will be a credit to the organization,” McMahon texted Grant on April 1, 2019. On April 7, 2019, she was given a very-important-person experience at WrestleMania, including private transportation in a black sports utility vehicle arranged by him.

On May 5, 2019, Grant told McMahon she always dreamed of attending the Belmont Stakes and he told her he would personally acquire two tickets for her. On May 11, 2019, he allegedly sexually assaulted her.

On May 16, 2019, McMahon informed Grant that he had obtained two tickets to the Belmont Stakes scheduled for June 8, 2019. On May 18, 2019, they had sexual intercourse.

On June 16, 2019, Grant told McMahon she felt uncomfortable working in WWE while in a physical relationship with him and he allegedly told her all she needed to do was not tell anyone. Here are 13 more things about her:

  1. On June 17, 2019, she started working as an administrator-coordinator in WWE’s legal department, a position McMahon created for her.
  2. On November 20, 2019, after experiencing sleep disruption, dizziness, exhaustion, rashes, weight loss, hair loss and migraines, she was asked by McMahon to see a physician of his choosing.
  3. On February 10, 2020, she was temporarily relocated to the workforce of the XFL, a football league McMahon founded by January 25, 2018.
  4. On March 6, 2020, she applied to remain with the XFL, which was denied. On March 26, 2020, McMahon allegedly told her he shared explicit photos of her to a former WWE referee.
  5. On May 9, 2020, McMahon allegedly defecated on her during a threesome with his physical therapist. On May 12, 2020, he allegedly texted her, “i’m the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f–k U”.
  6. On November 21, 2020, he allegedly forced her to have sex with McMahon in his office. They allegedly had a threesome with John Laurinaitis on December 20, 2020 and on March 6, 2021.
  7. On March 9, 2021, McMahon verbally directed her to transfer to the WWE’s talent relations department, reporting to Laurinaitis. McMahon and Laurinaitis told her she would be promoted to vice president of operations in the department after one year. On May 24, 2021, McMahon messaged her to remind her that a mistake could destroy her career.
  8. On June 15, 2021, McMahon and Laurinaitis allegedly sexually assaulted her inside Laurinaitis’s office in the WWE headquarters. McMahon allegedly repeatedly reminded her to sexually perform for him and Laurinaitis. On June 23, 2021, McMahon allegedly gave her $15,000 in gift cards to Bloomingdales after sexually assaulting her in his private locker room.
  9. On July 12, 2021, McMahon allegedly directed her to create personalized sexual content for a WWE superstar. McMahon allegedly told the WWE superstar that she will do anything requested of her. In December 2021, the WWE superstar asked her to send a video of herself urinating and she obeyed. On March 4, 2022, the WWE superstar asked explicit photos from her and she obeyed.
  10. On January 9, 2022, McMahon allegedly told her his wife had found out about their relationship so he terminated her WWE employment and asked her to sign a nondisclosure agreement and resign.
  11. After settling on a lump sum of $3,000,000, McMahon sent her $1,000,000 on February 4, 2022 and $10,000 on February 28, 2022.
  12. In March 2022, McMahon allegedly tried to traffic her to a WWE star who would be in New York City, New York, USA for a live event and television taping.
  13. She was 43 years old when she filed on January 25, 2024 a lawsuit against McMahon.

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